March 12, 2025
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By David Kronke 
On a day when residents of Vigo County needed to have their air conditioners working, they were hard at work on Friday, recovering from the storm which hit Thursday afternoon.

Ellis Law Offices in downtown suffered the most damage from high winds. The entire roof was blown away.

Kal Ellis, partner of the firm, stated that the sound was like a roof collapsing. They were unaware of what had occurred. There were parts of roof lying on the ground in an alleyway, and they noticed a hole in the third-floor wall.

As a result, the loss of roof caused extensive interior damage. Water ran down the stairs in the entire building and through the ceilings.

There were no offices on the second or third floors of this building, but all its contents – files, storage and furniture – have been destroyed.

Ellis Law employed a crew of Loogootee Yoder Roofing to complete the job in a timely fashion.

The plan is to get everything fixed before midnight today, because more storms are predicted this weekend.

It’s not the worst setback we’ve ever experienced, but it’s still a major one.

Christina Holmes is a Property Manager who spent hours on Wabash Street, 3400 blocks east of Indiana State football stadium.

The only damage we had suffered was a few tree branch breaks. Other buildings had electricity, but others were just across the street.

As Holmes drove to her grandson’s house, a storm hit.

She stated, “Everywhere was affected hard.” My grandson and I moved into trees away from the road in order to reach him.

Even without electricity, she found the evening pleasant.

Holmes said the night was perfect to be powerless – there would be no more rain or threats.

Rose-Hulman University

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology had to shut down Friday because of a power outage.

Robert Coons, the president of the university, sat at his desk in darkness and stated that there were many trees damaged on campus but no damage was done to any buildings.

The power was out and it came quickly, he said.

In the midst of the storms the first round of kids’ summer camps was coming to an end. The counsellors cooked for their students on Thursday.

This week, there will be no summer classes.

Coons commented, “It was a pretty good storm timing wise.” “Hopefully we will have power by Tuesday.”

Coons told reporters that, after the storm was over, the campus critical systems ran on generators. They were also monitored 24 hours a day.

Many employees have large trees growing on their rooftops. Other workers have banded together and used their chainsaws to cut them down. It’s an extremely close-knit neighborhood, he added.

Riley’s case

Kyle Rhynd is a LifeLine Flight Nurse who lives in Riley. He also received help from friends and neighbors. His friend assisted him in pulling out a large branch hanging from the tall tree that was in his front lawn by attaching it to a truck using a tow cord and pulling it.

The neighbors who live behind us had a section of wooden fencing that was damaged. So they came over to pick up branches and other stuff. All of us chip in to help one another.”

Rhynd found the damage when he came home on Thursday from work.

The roof was replaced only two weeks earlier, but a large tree had fallen on one corner. “The storm was spectacular — it occurred pretty fast.”

Riley had no power because of limbs that fell on the power lines. Rhynd pointed lines dropping low into a lake nearby.

I’m not sure when we will get our power back but I think it won’t happen until Monday,” said he.

Riley Fire Chief Matt McCullough says that there are downed power lines from North Terre Haute all the way to South of the County Line.

“We started receiving calls as soon as the storm passed,” he explained. “We mixed these calls with normal medical calls. Terre Haute needed help on several runs.

McCullough stated, “It wasn’t difficult to see which roads were blocked and then divert traffic.” “We did it until 1 am in the morning.

McCullough anticipates that his team can continue answering storm-related phone calls for a few days even if the calls are slowing down.

“We’ll start to see generators being used without people knowing and fumes getting into the home,” said he. People with oxygen at home will be forced to leave – and we will chase them until power has been restored.

To operate your generator properly, keep it out of the garage and away from home. Make sure to blow its exhaust away from windows to avoid alarms.

According to the expert, you should treat all power lines that are down as alive even if it seems like they have died.

Trees can be cleaned up

The team at Meadows Shopping Center dismantled the tree which had fallen and been uprooted.

Terry Shackleford said that there had been a few more tree branches in the parking area. It is important to remove the large tree that is outside.

This was the easiest way to hire a tree removal service. I just called them yesterday and today they arrived.

It may become more difficult in the future for people to get such assistance.

Shackleford explained that the contractor had six additional proposals to submit. Shackleford said, “Everyone will compete for them.”

The storm caused a lot of inconveniences to the residents.

The eastbound Indiana 46 lanes were backed for almost a mile due to an inoperative traffic sign at Hulman Drive. Baesler’s Market on Wabash, Meijer’s gas station and Kroger were all out of snow by noon.

Branches encircle a stone memorial for TREES Inc. Founder Joy Sacopulos, at Deming Park.

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